Book Review #61: The Year I Flew Away

The cover’s by one of my favorite artists, GDBee/Geneva Bowers

The Year I Flew Away by Marie Arnold (256 pages)

Well, I never thought I would read “molesting the avocados” in a story, but here we are.

Overall, I enjoyed reading this. I almost read this all in one sitting. Normally, watching characters make mistake after mistake can get tiring, but I didn’t mind Gabrielle’s journey to self-acceptance.

Gabrielle’s immigration experience is not easy and she feels othered in Brooklyn, New York. The weight of all of Haiti (though really, it’s just her fam back home) is on her shoulders to fit in and not cause any trouble. That’s a lot. I think many first- and second-generation and newly immigrated kids will find this story relatable. There is magical realism throughout this story, but the ending felt a little on the nose.

Still, certainly worth reading.

Author: wordswithdestiny

My name is Destiny, and this blog was created for a college English course. I honestly like to ramble on about things, and this is the medium to do it. I adore reading books, drawing pictures, searching the internet, and saying the word "adore."

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